Sunday, February 24, 2013

Coconut Oil, Sewing, Beyonce Runs

Two more weeks of cheerleading and then I can finally refocus some of my time to my long term goals I need to spend time on! Here are some of the things I have been doing in my "free time". 

Coconut Oil Hair Mask
I love doing hair, face, hand masks etc. but they tend to be expensive when you want to buy the really nice stuff. So I decided to give a Pinterest one a try as it was super simple and I had all the necessary ingredients: coconut oil! I combed the oil through my dry hair until it was completely saturated with it. My hair looked wet but it didn't feel heavy like wet hair. I let it sit for about 30 minutes and then took a shower and used shampoo only on my hair. I used a blow dryer to see what it looked like just in case it didn't rinse out nicely I wanted to be able to rewash it before work tomorrow :) As I was putting it in my hair it dripped a little onto my back and shoulders so I just rubbed it in, then it felt so nice i rubbed it into my elbows and knees and feet! It was so nice! Then in the shower I rubbed it all over my legs from my hair and used it to shave, it was wonderful! I am planning to keep a jar of coconut oil in my shower from now on. I didn't need to put on any lotion after my shower and I normally have the world's crunchiest nastiest flaky dry skin ever. It was so nice. Here is a pic of my "after" hair not that it does the experience any justice. :)

Next, I finally finished my stitching project I started months ago... sorta. I wanted to sew the route Mark and I drove on our honeymoon into a map of the USA. I am planning to add in all the road trips we ever take together. I covered the route with scotch tape on the back side of the map so that the stitches would hold. I finished all of the stitching but now i need to steam or iron it some that it will lay flat. I am also not sure if I will frame it somehow to keep it cat proof. :)

Lastly I went on an outdoor run today, the first of the year technically. It was chilly about 36 degrees, but it was so sunny that I didn't really notice. I bundled up a bit and turned on my Beyonce and just went on an adventure! Poor Mark was sick in bed and I am not good at being quiet...ever... so I went outside to get my wiggles out. It was really fun, I ended up going about 5 miles just all over town and checked out some neighborhoods around where I live to see what kinds of homes were for sale (hopefully we will be buying this summer/fall). It was definitely more challenging than the treadmill but also a lot more exciting. I'm looking forward to being able to this in the summer when it is much warmer outside!

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