Health :)
I have really committed time to focusing on this the last few weeks. I have the "Fitness Pal" app on my phone that I originally thought of as my "Fitness Enemy". The first time I tried to use it was over a month ago, I just wanted to see how many calories I actually consumed without thinking about it on a typical day. I assumed it would be something like 1,800-2,000. NOPE it was over 3,300! I had no clue what I was putting into my body. No wonder people kept think I was preggo and my pants stopped fitting and my shirts continually rode up over my belly. In my mind I still looked like a beautiful summer bride tone and tan and fit. False, I had changed. I know the numbers on the scale changed. Close to 15 pounds. I have since set my "Fitness Acquaintance" up to help me lose about 1/2 pound a week which has been manageable but really took time to get used to. With this setting for my height and weight I eat about 1,500 calories per day. If I do some type of exercise that is strenuous or long term cardio, then my calories automatically adjust and I earn some back. Some days I use them some days I don't. Here are some of the healthy things we have been eating:
Sweet potato, chicken, broccoli, avocado and blackberries. Trying hard to make 1/2 my plate veggies!
Broccolli (with a bit of cheese) cauliflower tots, sweet potato, avocado, sweet peppers
Lunch at Earth Fare, fruit, lentil salad, cous cous, veggie turkey casserole and broccolli
Back at Earth Fare again with my nephew who I tricked into eating healthy as well. It was delicious and fun and a much better alternative to fast food! He ended up loving salmon, zucchini, cantaloupe and lentils.
I also had my husband take some before pictures of me... yikes yikes yikes. And before anyone is all you "you ain't fat, quit being anorexic and whiny" you haven't seen my before pictures and I am not planning on sharing them unless I have a really good "after" pic to share. :) I know I am not obese but I have gained a lot of weight and my blood work that I had done last fall is not great. Also I am not looking to shed crazy amounts of weight but I do want to tone everything up and be healthy. I have a responsibility to take care of the body the good Lord gave me and I am going to do it. I am finding that I truly store all of my excess weight in my middle. If you were to look at my arms and legs if I were sitting at a table you'd probably think there is a nice looking gal with good proportions... until I stand up then you'd be like whoa that girl is pregnant and she has wings or something sprouting out her lower shoulder blades. Nope just my belly pooch and my back boobs from my bra squishing things around all crazy. So there that is what I hope to accomplish long term. I considered just giving in and buying some new clothes up a size or two, but then I would be spending money that I don't have to buy more clothes that I don't need. The responsible thing to do is just get healthy and fit into all the clothes I already have. I have already lost a solid 3.5 pounds and feeling stronger so I am on my way!
My wonderful husband has been so helpful in encouraging me to stay on track even when I just want give up and eat all my calories before noon and sleep all day, he motivates me to keep going. He surprised me with this healthy Easter Basket yesterday, it was so thoughtful!
It was full of protein bars, dried fruit, dark chocolate, seeds for starting my garden, honey sticks for tea and fruit leather. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful companion!
I have been doing many different things for exercise as I tend to be quite ADHD when it comes to a strict routine, I get antsy and claustrophobic and I give up. I have been doing a mix of running, workout DVDs such as 30 Day Shred and Tracy Anderson's 30 Day Method as well as cycling. (The library is a wonderful resource by the way of being able to try out a variety of DVDs). Mark and I participated in our first group race/ride this week called the March Chili Metric here in Cleveland.
This was great because you ride out 16 miles to a Chili lunch and then ride back 16 miles. It was lots of fun and an amazing work out. If only I could ride a bike with my abs and make them feel as exhausted as my legs have felt the last three days... It was a beautiful chilly morning and I had a great time bonding with my wonderful hubs! As it gets nicer out I am wanting to be more active, lets hope that sticks!
Financially :)
Wow, if there is one way I have seen God work in my life more than any other it would be financially. It is incredible how God has provided for us through some tough times during this tax season! With an unexpected work bonus for Mark and through random gift cards being given to us, what could have been a massive detriment to our humble savings account turned out not to be a very big blow at all. Mark is so good about keeping me focused on prayer rather than stressing. "Learning to pray doesn't offer us a less busy life, it offers us a less busy heart" - Paul Miller. I have found this to be so true. I am working on going to God first with my stress, trouble and anxiety before dumping it all on my friends and family and trusting that He already knows my heart and has a plan so I can give myself permission to let go of it throughout my day.
Spiritually :)
I feel like I am really turning a corner in this area. I have really had a change of heart about serving at church and work really hard to see it as a blessing that I am able to serve rather than a crunch on my time and energy. I am seeing more and more how the ministries I am involved with really grow people in Christ and impact lives. I am also a part of a secret sister program at my church that is completely new to me. Every one filled out a paper with information about themselves, their family, hobbies, interest, prayer concerns etc. Then the forms were given to another woman at church. Throughout the year we will send notes of encouragement to each other and pray specifically for her. It has been so much more amazing of an experience that I ever imagined it would be! It is also anonymous, we will find out who our secret sis is in January 2014. I have no clue who my secret sister is, but she knows me and must be very observant because she has encouraged me in my marriage and walk with God and in my work with the Church and I have no idea who she is! She even randomly send me a coffee gift card and told me to buy coffee all week on her. These are all such small things but have made such a huge impact. It is so encouraging to know people are praying for you and supporting you. It has inspired me to get to know the lady that I am encouraging as well. She is easily 40 some years older than me and at first I was overwhelmed thinking "how could I encourage or inspire her, she must already know and have experienced everything", but now I know that letting her know I am praying or her and her family and how much I look up to her and admire her effort in our Church can be a huge encouragement.
I also found this journal at a book store on my first day of Spring Break:

It came complete with a cheesy wristband to help you remember that you are working on creating a habit. I enjoy cheesy.
Lastly, my other area of spiritual growth has come greatly from interacting with my small group from Church. Mark and I host a group at our apartment of about 10 people. It is a mix of singles, couples, those in their 20s, 30s, and 60s and from all walks of life and varying religious backgrounds. Some people grew up in the church some were athiests. It is a great mix of perspectives. We come together everyother week and study the Bible, discuss, question, love and pray for one another. I have become very close to a group of people who were strangers to me just several months ago. It has been humbling to open our small apartment to such a large group, I was so nervous/embarrased at first but it has become such a blessing! We all sit so close together and we take turns serving food and sometimes presenting material even though most of it is led by Mark. It is a very intimate time. This past week one of our members led us in a foot washing ceremony. She read scripture, gave us some of the historical background surrounding the idea of foot washing and led each of us in washing the feet of the person sitting next to us. I won't say that it was easy for everyone but it absolutely brought us closer. Some people had a hard time touching others' feet while others had difficulty letting others serve them and touch their feet. It opened up so much great discussion. I am so grateful for all of the ways I am being pushed to see new perspectives and to try new things. I am also grateful for the many opportunities I have to love and serve people as well as how people have stepped up to love and serve me even though we are all less than deserving.
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